Friday, 19 February 2021

My Visal Mihi

Here is my visual mihi  all about me!

Fish in a tree - Chapter4Summary

 This year my class has been reading fish in a tree a book about a girl that finds it hard to make friends and do school work. My teacher set a task to write up a summary about chapter four, here is mine. 

Fish In A Tree 


Shay and Jessica were sarcastically being nice to her but all they wanted to do was take the mickey out of her, because they knew she could not read from when they were younger and she miss said a word.

 Her Mum's the worker at the cafe that they were at, and everyday after school Ally would go there with her. 

Her Dad works in the army so they have to move around a lot for that job. The grandad moved everywhere they did and now he has passed away.