Friday 21 February 2020

My visal Mihi

At the start of the term we got a slide called all about you, that had 19 slides that we had to fill in.  One of activity we had to do was create a visual Mihi. I had to do some research and ask family to get most of my answers, so here is what I created in the end.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Maths graphs

At the start last week we were doing tally chart on fruit burst first  to come up with the question my question was what is the population of each colour in the bag so I can't it every colour in the bag and wrote the data on my book then we turned it into tally after that i had to do the other bag I did on the same Tally. After that I turned into a bar graph then I asked if I had to do 2 bar graphs.Then my teacher asked me if I knew how to do a line graph. I did not know how to do one so she taught me.once I had finished I shared it with the class. Here are my working outs.