Tuesday 2 June 2020

Primary School

Primary School

School is a safe place to go to learn How to do maths,

writing and reading while your parents are working.

You are at school for 8 years from age 5 to 12-13.

There are 98,158 public schools all over the world.

You can also change schools anytime you want during the 8 years.

In a school there are classrooms, playgrounds and libraries.


A classroom is where all the kids get Separated into year groups.

Some schools only have 10 Children at them and some have

Thousands of children at them. So it depends on how many

children are at that school, how many classes there are at that



Nearly every school has at least 1 playground, some even have 2

or more. Playgrounds with 2 or more normally have a big playground

and a little playground. The big playground is for the older kids and

the little playground is for the younger kids.


A library has heaps of books that you can get out for 2 weeks.

Some libraries have magazines that you can read. Normally your

class goes there once a week to get books out and return books.

If you are a year 4 or up you can get 2 books out but if you are a

year 3 down you can only get 1 out.


There are all different ages that kids go to school. Most kids start

school at 5 years old but some start a 4 turning 5. You finish

school at age 12 or 13 depending on when they're birthdays are.

Most kids leave at 12 years old though.

Schools are a good place to go and find friends and learn how to do things.


  1. Hi Pyper
    This is a great piece of report writing. I like how you have done a nice big font. I have also done a report about China that is posted on my blog if you want to see it. Next time could you have all the words on the page. Keep up the good work,
    Molly :)

    1. Hey molly
      Thank you for your comment it really helped me as you can probably see i have changed it so it all fits on one page. I will go cheek out your blog now and maybe leave a comment.
      Thanks Pyper

  2. Kia ora Pyper, I enjoyed reading your report. I like the way you have organised your report using headings to show the different aspects of information. We are lucky to have such a large grass area at Grey Main as one of our playgrounds and lucky our class sizes are not too big!


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.